Johnson passed the Coinage Act of 1965, silver was removed from dimes and quarters. According to the US Mint, some of the earliest coins ever produced were silver dimes, nickels, quarters, half dollars, and dollar pieces. The Minto mine has been in operation since 2007 with underground mining commencing in 2014. These coins are composed mostly of silver, but also contain a small amount of copper. Minto operates the producing Minto mine located in the Minto Copper Belt, Yukon. circulating coinage, pre-1965 silver coins, and gold. Coinflation measures the current metal or melt value of U.S. This will allow us to deliver on our previously communicated guidance for 2022,” he added. Coin values are updated with live prices.

(a) increases, increases (b) increases, decreases (c) decreases, increases (d) decreases, decreases. Among this group, the specific heat capacity and the molar heat capacity as the atomic weight increases. “Suspending operations at the Mill for a total of 4 weeks has reduced our payable copper pounds produced in Q2, but the good news is that although our Mill was scheduled to run at 3,250 tonnes per day in H2 2022, we are permitted to run it up to 4,200 tpd. The coinage metals (Group 1B) copper, silver, and gold have specific heats of 0.385, 0.233, and 0.129 J/g-K, respectively. Ensuring environmental protection is of paramount importance to Minto,” commented Chris Stewart, President and CEO. “Spring Freshet posed some water challenges for us, but our Team successfully navigated these while ensuring the environment was protected. Minto said that its second quarter production results highlighted the third consecutive quarter of operational improvement as compared to 2021, however the company was behind on its planned targets for the quarter. The company also produced 2,203 ounces of gold in Q2 2022, which is 20% higher than a year before. (Kitco News) - Minto Metals (CVE: MNTO) reported today that in Q2 2022, the company produced 5.4 million pounds of payable copper from the Minto mine located in central Yukon, up 16% compared to Q2 2021. Editor's Note: With so much market volatility, stay on top of daily news! Get caught up in minutes with our speedy summary of today's must-read news and expert opinions.